Quotation Marks
We believe that creations are the direct impact of inspiration and environment, therefore we are building an inspiring and comfortable digital workspace for architectural inspiration, resulting in the conception of better buildings, landspaces and life quality for the societies.
Anma LogoSokol Salihu CEO & Founder
Anma LogoMathis Bisson Sales Director & Co-founder
Anma LogoJerome Brandt Communication Leader
Anma LogoOscar Berbel
Anma LogoEric Pliquet Key Accounts Manager

Our achievements +3k users, +400 offices account, +19 office partners, + 5k Buildings added + 3 association partners, +30 consultants, Fongit incubator, 1 prize Genilem incubator


MapsArch an adventure for three people

The concept proposed by mapsarch immediately appealed to us with its quality and accessibility. In our opinion, this tool

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Architecture by all, for all

From its design to its completion, a building requires on average 25 different entities and each communicates and archives

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MapsArch, the free architectural explorer

MapsArch is an interactive and educational application that provides its users with information on architectural projects around the world

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Architectural walk with the Mapsarch application

Mapsarch is an architectural exploration tool for architecture enthusiasts and professionals

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MapsArch: architectural exploration tool for architecture amateurs and professionals

MapsArch offers an innovative platform that provides both conceptual and technical information about each building

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CCG Is Now Active On The “MapsArch-The Architectural Explorer”

We are pleased to announce that CCG has become a member of Mapsarch Application, which is originated from Europe

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MapsArch Partnership

Mapsarch is a map that allows to visualize all architectural projects. It is a source of information and an interactive application

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MapsArch - the architectural explorer!

Have you ever dreamed of traveling through architecture without leaving your desk? It's now possible thanks to MapsArch - the architectural explorer!

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Thanks MapsArch!

We are honored to be able to count Corpus among our partners as of now! Corpus is distinguished by the quality of its creations

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MapsArch in the Geneva Tribune!

Thank you very much to the Tribune de Genève for taking an interest in us in an article published yesterday.

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CCHE is now present on MapsArch

We are proud to actively participate in the development of this interactive application, which aims to bring together stakeholders

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Dematerialize to make accessible

The concept is very simple: an application with a map on which we find buildings. The location of the building being fixed.

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Top Selection

5 façades révolutionnaires de l'architecture moderne !

Découvrez ces cinq façades révolutionnaires qui vont transformer votre perception de l'architecture moderne !

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Entretien avec dUCKS SCENO : L'agence qui révolutionne les espaces culturels

Retour sur l'entretien avec l'équipe visionnaire de dUCKS SCENO, qui nous dévoile les secrets de leurs succès.

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Podcast News Interview Blog Publication


The worldwide architecture in a unique map

Worldwide Architecture Image

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+3k building in switzerland

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